Dr. Daniel Jackson To Receive Young Alumni Achievement Award at Westminster College

Dr. Daniel Jackson from Jefferson City, MO, Westminster College Class of 2004, will receive the Young Alumni Achievement Award at a special Alumni Honors Convocation Ceremony to be held at 10:30 a.m., April 25, during Alumni Weekend in the Church of St. Mary, Aldermanbury on the Westminster College campus in Fulton, MO.
Dr. Jackson is currently completing a fellowship in Maternal Fetal Medicine at the University of Oklahoma.
He is also concurrently working on a Masters in Science in Clinical and Translational Science while finishing his fellowship.
Established in 2009, the Young Alumni Achievement Award annually recognizes alumni who demonstrate the Westminster mission through outstanding achievement early in their chosen career and/or dedicated leadership and service to their community.
“My time at Westminster set the foundation for any professional success I have had to this point,” says Dr. Jackson. “In the classroom I developed into a lifelong learner based on the example set by outstanding professors such as Doug Fickess, Jeff and Kath Mayne, Michael Amspoker, Tammy Stiller and countless others. This same faculty also taught me how to take a challenge and treat it as an opportunity for personal and academic growth.”
Dr. Jackson is also involved on the national level in the development of simulation training programs for critical care obstetrics and has a particular research interest in the effects of maternal diabetes on the developing fetus.
He obtained his M.D. from the University of Missouri in 2008 and completed a residency in obstetrics and gynecology there in 2012. While fulfilling his residency, he was chosen by fellow residents and faculty as Chief Resident.
Dr. Jackson is a 2000 graduate of Jefferson City High School.
While at Westminster College, he was a member of the prestigious Skulls of Seven, both the Alpha Chi Academic Honor Fraternity and the Omicron Delta Kappa Academic Honor Fraternity and the Beta Beta Beta Biological Honor Society. He served terms as both President and Vice President of Beta Beta Beta.
He was a member of the Delta Tau Delta Social Fraternity where he served as Academic Chair, Assistant Treasurer and Treasurer.
He graduated from Westminster summa cum laude with a bachelor of arts in biology.
“Beyond the classroom, particularly within the Greek system, Westminster provided me with the opportunity to develop interpersonal and leadership skills that serve me every day in my career as a Maternal Fetal Medicine subspecialist,” says Dr. Jackson. “More importantly, Westminster is where I met my wife Kristen. She has been by my side for thirteen years and blessed me with our amazing son William.”
He will join University Physicians at the University of Missouri-Columbia as a Maternal Fetal Medicine Specialist in June of this year. Dr. Jackson will begin practice and be available to see new patients starting in mid-July.