Director of Financial Aid Works to Save Access Missouri

Aimee Bristow, Westminster College Director of Financial Aid, is going above and beyond to save state funding for college students. She recently testified before the House of Representatives Appropriations – Education Committee on behalf of Access Missouri; read her full testimony below. Please act to help save Access Missouri by contacting your government representative or contacting the governor here.
Missouri House of Representatives Appropriations – Education Committee Hearing
Access Missouri Appropriations
January 22, 2014
Submitted by Aimee Bristow
Good afternoon Mr. Chairman and members of the committee. My name is Aimee Bristow, director of financial aid at Westminster College in Fulton. I am also here today as a representative of Independent Colleges and Universities of Missouri (ICUM).
I would like to express my appreciation for the opportunity to come before you today to talk about an issue that is of great importance to students and working families in our state, and that is the need to increase the current funding level for the Access Missouri financial aid program. It is a critical investment in Missouri’s citizens that continues to give them – and our state’s economy – a bright future.
Access Missouri is the lynchpin of Missouri’s commitment to helping students of working families pay for college. The state appropriation for this important financial aid program has gone from $93 million in fiscal year 2009 to $67 million this fiscal year which is a 28% reduction.
According to the Missouri Department of Higher Education Statistical Summary Tables 20-22, based on DHE Financial Assistance and Outreach data located at, the number of Access MO recipients has increased 47% since fiscal year 2008 while the funding has decreased. During this period of time, recipients at Independent colleges were eligible for a maximum award of $4600 per academic year, according to State statute; however, recipients are currently receiving 51% of the maximum amount due to limited budget appropriations.
Access MO Year |
Grand Total Students |
Grand Total Dollars |
Maximum Access MO Amount |
% of Statute Amount |
FY 2008 |
38,958 |
$72,406,269 |
$3910 |
85% |
FY 2009 |
43,305 |
$92,626,082 |
$4600 |
100% |
FY 2010 |
49,553 |
$82,957,042 |
$3590 |
78% |
FY 2011 |
54,283 |
$56,623,676 |
$2160 |
47% |
FY 2012 |
57,255 |
$59,585,406 |
$2210 |
48% |
FY 2013 |
56,185 |
$63,034,366 |
$2350 |
51% |
FY 2014 |
N/A |
N/A |
$2350 |
51% |
It’s important to remember that Access Missouri is our state’s only need-based financial aid program. To qualify, students must demonstrate significant financial need. At Westminster College, two-thirds of Access Missouri recipients have less than $4,000 of available family financial support. About one-fourth have less than $500. The students who qualify for Access Missouri are truly students with financial need – they simply cannot attend college without significant financial support. Due to the reduced Access Missouri appropriations, Westminster has seen a 16 percent enrollment decrease in Access Missouri recipients since fiscal year 2010 because students simply cannot afford to pay the increased costs to attend the college of their choice. Nationally, we all know students are struggling with the rising costs of higher education, so we are asking you to help all of the students in Missouri by increasing the current funding level of the Access Missouri program.
This is especially important because this coming fall, the awards for Access Missouri will change. ALL 4-year students will be eligible for awards of $1,500 to $2,850, regardless of where they go to college. All 2-year students will be eligible for awards of $300 to $1,300. Missouri Department of Higher Education has said that without a budget increase, it will only be able to fund students at the MINIMUM award amounts.
Access Missouri is an investment into our state’s most precious resource, Missouri STUDENTS … STUDENTS who have a documented and substantial need for financial assistance – aspiring to the dream of a college degree and going on to be productive citizens and taxpayers in our state.
Currently, only 35 percent of Missourians have an associate’s or bachelor’s degree compared to the national average of 38%, according to Lumina Foundation. This should concern all of us because Missouri set a goal of 60% college degree attainment by 2025. The only way to ensure that Missouri is able to achieve this goal and compete for 21st century jobs is to protect Access MO which is our only need-based financial aid program.
The approximately 60,000 needy and highly deserving students who receive Access Missouri grants could all attest to the essential role that these funds play in their ability to pursue the dream of a college education.
All of these points underscore the importance of Access Missouri as an investment in the future of our state and its long-term economic success. As college graduates, these STUDENTS will give back to communities all across the state of Missouri – and we should all agree that is a wise investment.
As you begin the appropriations process, please consider first and foremost the needs of our state’s STUDENTS. We appreciate the Governor’s recommendation of an additional $8.5 million in Access Missouri, however we believe it will take a more substantial increase to have a meaningful impact on the ability for students to attend college. Therefore, We urge you to follow MDHE’s alternative budget recommendation and increase Access Missouri’s current funding level by $33 million for a total appropriation in the amount of $100 million for the coming fiscal year which would allow the Access MO program to funded at 80%.
Thank you again for the opportunity to speak to you today. I am happy to answer any questions that you might have for me.
Contact Information:
Aimee Bristow
Director of Financial Aid
Westminster College
Office of Financial Aid
501 Westminster Ave.
Fulton, MO 65251
Phone: 573-592-5364 or 800-475-3361
Fax: 573-592-5255
Email: [email protected]