Delts Attend National Convention

Westminster’s Delta Omicron Chapter of Delta Tau Delta attended the fraternity’s KARNEA National Convention Aug. 1-4 at the Hyatt Regency Hotel in St. Louis, MO. Conference attendees included Delta Omicron students and alums.
Delta Tau Delta President William Braley, a senior from Broken Arrow, OK, says KARNEA gave Westminster attendees a chance to grow as fraternity brothers. “They were eager to experience and learn from the convention what it truly means to be a Delt and absorb ideas from other chapters and alumni that will help us further the duration of our chapter at Westminster College,” Braley explains.
The Mathematical Sciences Major and Physics and Preengineering minor says the convention gave Delta Omicron members a chance to improve the fraternity. “KARNEA had a plethora of speakers and breakout sessions, many of which were designed specifically to give information on how to run a chapter effectively,” Braley says.
When not attending convention sessions, the Delts attended a Cardinals baseball game and toured downtown St. Louis.
“This year’s convention was an experience that some of our younger members will take and make Delta Omicron the best chapter it can be,” Braley explains. “I am excited, because I know that the men who attended are the future of this chapter, and I couldn’t be more proud of them.”
Eight student members of Delta Omicron represented the Westminster fraternity: Sam Kottmeier, Manzell Payne, Jacob Ratcliff, Brandon Rettke, Giovanni Strickland, Joshua Udinyiwe, Philip Udinyiwe, and Chase Vogt. Alumni attendees included Brock Ayers, ‘82, Matt Greaves, ‘10, Michael Greaves, ‘13, Connor Hollrah, ‘15, Warren Hollrah,’76, Matt House,’06, Steve Humphreys, ‘83, and Dan Jackson, ‘04.
Founded at Westminster in 1939, Delta Omicron Chapter of Delta Tau Delta will celebrate its 80th anniversary at the College this year. A number of anniversary events will take place during Alumni Weekend 2019, which is scheduled for Apr. 12 to Apr. 14.
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