Congratulations to the 2018-19 Skulls of Seven

Westminster College is proud to present the 122nd August Society of the Skulls of Seven. Founded in 1898, this society is a mystical organization tasked with preserving the traditions and upholding the ideals of Westminster College. It prides itself on championing seven worthy virtues: tradition, history, scholarship, loyalty and friendship, citizenship, service and honor. Members are respected members of the Westminster community in good academic standing who employ these virtues and put the College ahead of personal and special interests.
2018-19 Members
Jamey Lemon (Grand Marshal) ’19
Rohit Bhandari ’19
Mason Evers ’19
Leticia DosSantos Ferreira ’19
Heidi Gundy ’19
Bridget Ringwald ’19
Madison Loescher (Baby Skull) ’20
Jamey Lemon is a rising senior from Hannibal, Missouri, and is majoring in Biochemistry with a double minor in Music and Public Health. He currently serves as the Ritual Chair for Delta Tau Delta fraternity and the Concerts and Comedy Chair of the Campus Activities Board, and he is a Resident Advisor and a member of Student Ambassadors, Student Foundation and the Pre-Healthcare Professionals Association. He is also a member of the Order of Omega, Tri-Beta, Alpha Chi and Omicron Delta Kappa honor societies. After graduation, Jamey plans to attend dental school to pursue a career in dentistry.
Rohit Bhandari is from Kathmandu, Nepal, and is a rising senior at Westminster College. His majors are Accounting and Business Administration, and he is pursuing a minor in Economics. He is a member of the Blue Blazers Financing Committee and the Student Government Association Finance Committee. Previously, he was the public relations chair for Campus Activity Board and an SGA senator. After graduation, Rohit plans to go to graduate school to get his master’s degree.
Mason Evers is a rising senior from Bentonville, Arkansas. Currently, he is pursuing a double major in Security Studies and Transnational Studies with a minor in Spanish. He is the president of Student Ambassadors and the vice president of his fraternity, Delta Tau Delta, and also holds membership in Student Foundation and in the Westminster College Honors Program. Mason has previously held positions in the Student Government Association and on the Campus Activities Board, and in Fall 2017, he interned at the U.S. Consulate General in Belfast, Northern Ireland. Upon graduation in May 2019, Mason hopes to pursue a career in national security policy and foreign affairs.
Leticia DosSantos Ferreira is a rising senior from East Timor or Timor-Leste. She is a UWC scholar, a recipient of the Davis Scholarship and is majoring in Environmental Science with a minor in Geology. She is a member of the Westminster Diversity Council, Peer Health Educators, Worship Team, and International Club. As a member of Worship Team, Leticia actively engages with the Center for Faith and Service to organize monthly services. In the past, she served as a treasurer for International Club. Leticia went for a sophomore retreat at Colors of Westminster, received Green Dot Program certification and won a Take-a-Friend Home Program award. She is a Certified Peer Health Educator, a member of Alpha Lambda Delta National Honor Society, a member of Phi Sigma Tau International Philosophy Honor Society and part of the Westminster Honors Program. Leticia has also participated in the Meeting of the Minds conference in Kansas City and the Geological Society of America conference in Ames, Iowa. After graduation, she plans to attend geoscience school or pursue a career in a related field.
Heidi Gundy is a rising senior from Columbia, Missouri, and is majoring in Exercise Science with minors in Public Health and Nutrition. She plans on becoming a nurse after graduation. Heidi plays for the Westminster’s women’s soccer team, and she is a member of Student Foundation and Westminster Honors Program as well as a Westminster Seminar mentor. She is a member of the Epsilon Iota Chapter of Kappa Alpha Theta and is also a member of Alpha Chi, Omicron Delta Kappa and Alpha Lambda Delta honor societies.
Bridget Ringwald, from St. Louis, Missouri, is a rising senior Finance major who is pursuing an Accounting minor. She is currently a captain of the women’s volleyball team, president of Kappa Kappa Gamma and treasurer of the Order of Omega. Bridget is also a member of the following honor societies: Delta Mu Delta (business honor society), Phi Sigma Tau (philosophy honor society) and Chi Alpha Sigma (athlete honors society).
Madi Loescher, a Kansas City native, is a rising junior with a double major in Transnational Studies and Religious Studies. She is involved in Student Ambassadors and Student Foundation, and she is Vice President of Programming for the Panhellenic Council and Head Mentor for the Westminster Seminar Mentoring program. Furthermore, she is the president of Omicron Delta Kappa, the director of Impolite Conversations, a member of the Diversity Council, and the co-editor of the Westminster Journal for Global Progress. After graduation, Madi intends to simply be doing her part to make the world a better place than when she entered it. She has an interest in the United Nations and the international involvement of NGOs and perhaps being a part of the negation and implementation of their efforts.