Churchill Weekend Media Coverage Reaches an Estimated 87.8M

The recent visits to Westminster College and the National Churchill Museum by Pulitzer Prize winner Jon Meacham and Gen. David H. Petraeus during the recent Churchill Weekend further bolstered the reputation of Westminster and generated substantial visibility for the National Churchill Museum. Their lectures, photos, and references to our college and the Museum were captured in more than 200 traditional and online news articles and social media postings, all of which had a potential audience reach of nearly 88 million worldwide.
View a sample of the local coverage via the links below:
“Petraeus and Meacham Honored at Westminster College,”
“Ex-CIA Director Petraeus visits Fulton, comments on U.S.-Russia relations,”
“Petraeus warns about Russia in Fulton speech,”
“Petraeus, presidential historian stress importance of history,” Columbia Daily Tribune
“Gen. Petraeus says iron curtains remain despite Churchill’s legacy,” The Missourian
“Meacham discusses journalism, history,” Fulton Sun
“Petraeus talk: Constant preparation opens opportunities,” Fulton Sun