Message about Charlottesville, Virginia from Dean Perry

As Westminster prepares for the start of its 167th school year, our attention is drawn to Charlottesville, Virginia, where on Saturday we watched — with shock and horror — a white supremacist’s gathering, which turned violent and deadly.
We at Westminster stand with colleges and universities across the country in speaking out against racism and bigotry. Here on our campus, we value inclusion and diversity. While we enthusiastically embrace students and visitors from across the country and throughout the world, we do not welcome or tolerate any group or organization on our campus that is fueled by hatred.
This week we will welcome new and returning students on our campus, some who may be feeling apprehensive in light of the events that unfolded at Charlottesville and the violence that plagues the world. Let it be known that Westminster values ideals of integrity, respect, and diversity, and that hate has no home here.
Dr. Carolyn Perry
Senior Vice President and Dean of Faculty