Celebrate the Royal Wedding at National Churchill Museum

For those who want to share in the Royal family wedding celebration of His Royal Highness Prince Henry of Wales with Ms. Meghan Markle but have no desire to awake at 4 a.m. CST this Saturday, May 19, the National Churchill Museum has a special treat.
The Museum will host a wedding celebration for the Royal Couple at a much more civilized time, 4 p.m. that afternoon, at the Church of St. Mary the Virgin, Aldermanbury.
A recording of the ceremony will be aired, and refreshments will be served in the Undercroft of the Church.
A display of local wedding dresses and wedding photos will be available for viewing as well.
Ladies, and gentleman, if they like, are encouraged to wear hats worthy of a Royal Family celebration.
The event is free, but a good will offering will be held to defray expenses.
Prince Harry first met Meghan in July 2016 when a matchmaker friend arranged for the two to meet for a drink.
They became engaged in November 2017.
Prince Harry is sixth in line for the Royal Throne.
The couple will be married in St. George’s Chapel, Windsor.
This National Churchill Museum event is being hosted by the Mid-Missouri Friends of the National Churchill Museum.