Category: Westminster Stories

Westminster’s Education Department Honors Grant Recipient and Upcoming Graduates in Celebratory Year-End Event

If Westminster gave an award for “Most Celebratory Departmental Party,” the recipient might be the education department, whose end-of-year awards event grows larger and more festive each year. Special guests, balloon arches, blue and...

Wall Street Journal Columnist Jason Riley Discussed Thomas Sowell and Freedom of Speech in Third Annual Brauer Lecture

Wall Street Journal columnist and Manhattan Institute Senior Fellow Jason Riley was enthusiastically received during the Third Annual Brauer Lecture at 6 p.m. on Wednesday, April 17. Students, faculty, staff and area residents gathered...

Westminster College to Conduct Two Tree-Planting Ceremonies in Honor of Generous Gift From a Trust Created by Edward D. “Ted” Jones, Jr.

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Fulton, Mo. – April 18, 2024: The public is cordially invited to attend two Westminster ceremonies that will take place next week in honor of Earth Day in recognition of a generous...