Westminster Women Advancing Together Hosts Celebratory Reception After Lecture

The Westminster Women Advancing Together (WWAT) committee hosted a reception for the entire college community immediately following the John Findley Green Foundation Lecture on Sept. 19. Drinks and light refreshments were served.
The reception is one of a handful of celebrations this year to commemorate the anniversary of 40 years of women at Westminster.
The most recent reception highlighted WWAT committee member Janice Mathews-Gordon, ’81, the first female graduate of Westminster, who just prior to the celebration introduced Green Lecturer Dr. Madeline K. Albright, the first female U.S. Secretary of State. Albright is the third female in the history of Westminster to deliver the Green Foundation lecture — a detail that President Fletch Lamkin mentioned during the lecture and which resulted in interrupting applause from the audience.
WWAT Committee Chair Betsy Schultz Humphreys, ’83 ΚΑΘ, says Albright’s presence on the Westminster campus electrified the reception atmosphere. She adds that because 2019 is an important anniversary for women at the College, the purpose of the reception was twofold: to raise money for more women to be a part of Westminster and to show women their support.
“It’s not just about money,” Humphreys explains, adding that Westminster remains one of few colleges and universities in the United States that continue to enroll fewer women than men. “We really want a paradigm shift and to see females engaging and reengaging with the College.”
As far as donations are concerned, however, Humphreys admits the committee is cautiously optimistic in its goals to raise $100,000 by Alumni Weekend 2020 for female recruitment and leadership. The WWAT committee raised $10,000 prior to the reception and collected a total of $1,500 at the reception through raffle tickets.
Raffled items included a boxed set of signed Albright books; three signed, individual Albright books; a collection of notecards with Albright quotations; Albright’s unique Read My Pins book about her extensive brooch collection; the “Breakthru … The Glass Ceiling brooch Mathews-Gordon wore during her Albright introduction; and another fused-glass brooch similar to the “Breakthru” piece of jewelry.
Humphreys reflects that the WWAT committee is a grassroots organization of women who meet via conference call every Tuesday night after work hours and most family commitments are over for the day. In addition to Humphreys and Mathews-Gordon, committee members include Leslie Brooke Hunt ’99 ΔΔΔ, Dr. Serena Lowe ’97 ΔΔΔ, Sarah Goss Powers ’04 ΚΚΓ and Dr. Audrey Remley, Professor Emerita of Psychology and first female at Westminster to be promoted to the rank of full professor.
“We women do everything … the committee recognizes that, and the receptions, fundraising and 40 Years, 40 Women nominations are designed to celebrate us,” Humphreys says.
The nomination period for 40 Years, 40 Women ends Monday, Sept. 30. To nominate a Westminster woman for recognition, please go here. To give to WWAT, please go to Westminster’s Giving Page here, select “Give to Westminster Online,” and be sure to choose “Westminster Women Advancing Together” under the drop-down menu.