Meet West Wings President Sarah Mae Manley, ’20

Hometown? Kirkwood, MO
Major/Minor? Integrated Marketing Communications and Business Management with a Minor in Leadership and a Certificate in Non-Profit Management
What made you decide to attend Westminster College? I originally heard about Westminster from my mother, who is a teacher in St. Louis, MO, and many of her former students have graduated from the College and are extremely successful now, so she suggested I take a look at the school. We came for a visit, and the second we pulled up to campus, I immediately fell in love with Westminster. Students passing my mom and I on the sidewalks all said hello, the faculty and staff were some of the friendliest and smartest people I had ever met and I had heard overall great things from everyone I had spoken to about the institution.
In two sentences, describe what Westminster means to you. At Westminster, I am not just a needle in a haystack: I am Sarah Mae Manley from Kirkwood, MO, majoring in Business. Westminster has shaped the person I am today, which will forever be one of my greatest blessings.
What are you involved with on campus, and what do you enjoy doing in your free time? When picking a school, I knew I wanted to attend a college or university where I had the opportunity to thrive in leadership rolls but where I could also “Go Greek.” I am a member of Kappa Alpha Theta, where I currently serve as Chief Recruiting Officer and formally served as our Special Events Chair and Chief Panhellenic Officer. I am also a member of Student Foundation, where I give campus tours to potential students. Lastly, I was a member of the Churchill Singers for the past three years. In my free time, I enjoy walking my Blue Heeler puppy, Lilly, going out to eat with friends, singing, playing guitar, boating with my family and traveling.
Can you give us a few fun facts about yourself? I love to sing and play guitar, I am named after my great grandma Sarah, I love my dogs more than anything in the world, I am notorious for hitting curbs and popping tires, but most importantly, I have never met a stranger.
Favorite Go-To Karaoke Song? “Don’t Stop Believing”
What would you tell others your education here? There are so many things, so I cannot pick just one. The first would have to be the fact that students can create and design their own majors. The second would have to be the faculty. My advisor and professors are some of the most influential people in my life. Not only do the professors take interest in my academics, but they also are very passionate about me succeeding and doing well in my personal life. Lastly, the personal connections students can make with our president and his wife are unlike any other school I have ever seen or heard of. President Lamkin knows the majority of students by name and is always willing to discuss campus matters with them. To me this speaks volumes.
How is the new West Wings Student Marketing Agency going? The new agency, West Wings, is going wonderfully! I am learning so much and having an absolute blast while doing so. I have loved getting to learn how to manage a business social media accounts, create student and faculty profile stories, work on the school’s website, and create radio and television ads and commercials. The Westminster Marketing Team is beyond amazing and have taught me so much. They help the students in any way they can, and I find myself learning numerous new things every day. I have loved making new friendships and receiving real-world work experience.
What are your career aspirations after graduation? My dream job is to work for Westminster College and help with enrollment, marketing, recruiting and/or advertising. I love this school with every fiber in my being, so I want nothing more than to see it flourish in the many years to come!