Bob Monroe Receives Lifetime Alumni Achievement Award

Bob Monroe from Overland Park, KS, Class of 1968 and a member of the Beta Theta Pi fraternity, will receive the Lifetime Alumni Achievement Award given at a special Alumni Honors Convocation Ceremony to be held at 10:30 a.m., April 23, during Alumni Weekend in the Church of St. Mary the Virgin, Aldermanbury on the Westminster College campus in Fulton, MO.
Monroe is a partner and Chairman of the Banking and Financial Services Division of the Stinson Leonard Street LLP law firm and an honorary/emeritus member of the Westminster Board of Trustees.
The Lifetime Alumni Achievement Award is presented annually to alumni whose accomplishments reflect the Westminster mission and who have distinguished themselves through personal achievements, professional achievements and /or have made significant contributions to society. The award is approved by the Alumni Council and requires a motion and vote from the Board of Trustees for approval. Up to six alumni can receive the award annually.
“My experiences at Westminster contributed to my success in life by providing me with a well-rounded and diverse education, which enabled me to explore various vocations until I settled on law for my lifetime career,” says Monroe. “The many friendships established amongst my peers at Westminster have been valuable in enhancing my career professionally and socially. Most importantly, I met my wife of 48 years while she was attending William Woods.”
During Monroe’s professional career, he has served as counsel to well over 150 financial institutions and has served as a resource and mentor in connection with matters involving bank holding company mergers and formations, branch acquisitions, negotiating regulatory orders, bank reorganizations and succession planning.
He has represented banking entities in 20 separate Bank M&A transactions during the past 24 months, represented 30 buyers of failed banks during the past 48 months, all while conducting his standard legal practice involving the representation of directors before federal and state bank regulatory authorities and the preparation of regulatory filings with the FDIC, OCC, FRB and various state banking authorities.
He has been named Kansas City’s “Baron of the Boardroom” in 2007, Kansas City Banking and Finance “Lawyer of the Year” for 2009 and 2015 and Kansas City Financial Services Regulation “Lawyer of the Year” for 2012.
Monroe dedicates himself to important civic organizations, including Mid America Assistance Coalition, the Great American Basketball League and the Johnson County Football and Cheerleading Club. As a former board member of the league, the league dedicated the Bob Monroe Field to honor his commitment and dedication.