Bald Brothers: Delts Shave Heads in Solidarity with Kids Fighting Cancer

Delt Tau Delta members pictured left to right: Chapter Advisor Dan Jackson, MD, Cooper Childers, Donald Gerhard, Giovanni Strickland, Sam Kottmeier, Delta Omicron President Turner Smythe, Chase Vogt, Jacob Ratcliff, Brandon Rettke, Nick Graddy, Joshua Udinyiwe, Michael Ellinger, Philip Udinyiwe, Ben Van-Hoogstrate, and Tim Fick. In foreground: William Jackson, son of Dr. Dan ’04 and Kristen Jackson ’06. Not pictured: Gannon Hughes, Barrett Smith, Will Braley, Manzell Payne, and Sam Poole.
A number of Delta Tau Delta brothers from Westminster College recently shaved their heads in solidarity with children fighting cancer. The brothers participated in the St. Baldrick’s Foundation annual fundraiser on April 6 at Logboat Brewing Company in Columbia, MO.
Chapter President Turner Smythe says the Delts found out about the event through Chapter Advisor Dan Jackson ’04, MD, who is involved in the fundraiser through the University of Missouri-Columbia School of Medicine, where Jackson practices. Jackson’s son, William, also had his head shaved for the cause. William also is the son of Kristen Jackson ’06.
Money earned at the St. Baldrick’s fundraiser goes to pediatric cancer research.
“The entire chapter felt it was a great cause,” Smythe says, explaining the huge Delta Omicron chapter turnout at the event. “The chapter raised over $1,000 from alumni and parents.”