Attorney Liz Sternhell-Blackwell to Receive Alumni Achievement Award

Liz Sternhell-Blackwell from St. Louis, MO, Class of 1993, will receive a Westminster College Alumni Achievement Award on Saturday, April 13, during the College’s Alumni Weekend.
Sternhell-Blackwell deals with complex litigation and appeals as an attorney and partner in the law firm of Bryan Cave Leighton Paisner. She is also Board President for the American Civil Liberties Union of Missouri.
Previously, she held a partnership with the firm of Thompson Coburn (2007-2018). Her other prominent positions include litigation associate with Deschert LLP (1999-2003) and litigation associate with Arnold & Porter (1999).
Over the past few years Sternhell-Blackwell has received significant attention for her outstanding work, such as being named “40 under 40” in the St. Louis Business Journal and featured in Missouri Lawyers Weekly, Profiles in Diversity and “Best Lawyers in America.”
“Westminster helped me develop a greater sense of responsibility for shaping the world and the communities in which we live,” Sternhell-Blackwell says. “My professors were engaged in advocacy organizations, religious communities, politics, and shared the importance of those commitments and experiences.”
In spite of her full schedule, she still finds time for important volunteer work such as pro bono representation to members of the LGBTQIA community in state and federal courts, is a former board member of Legal Advocates for Abused Women, has served on committees for the St. Louis Art Museum, and volunteers at her daughter’s school.
Along with her bachelor’s degree in English from Westminster, Sternhell-Blackwell holds a master’s degree from Harvard University and graduated from the Vanderbilt University School of Law.
“Westminster is a place that pushes each student to think about what they value and then develop a life and a career plan around those values,” says Sternhell-Blackwell. “I was engaged by professors across the curriculum who pushed me to think critically about issues, taught me to write clearly and persuasively, and answered my endless questions. At Westminster, the professors take the time to get to know their students both inside and outside the classroom. The personal engagement of the faculty is incredible.”
The Alumni Achievement Award is presented annually to alumni whose accomplishments reflect the Westminster mission and have distinguished themselves through personal achievements, professional achievements and/or have made significant contributions to society.
Sternhell-Blackwell will receive her award at a special Alumni Honors Convocation Ceremony to be held at 10:30 a.m. on Saturday, April 13, in the Church of St. Mary the Virgin, Aldermanbury. The award is approved by both the Alumni Council and the Board of Trustees. Up to six alumni can receive the award annually.