Investing in Students: Alumni Support for BBIC

When Brock Ayers, ’82, and Westminster professor Dr. Ed Mirelli first led members of the College’s Blue Blazers Investment Committee to New York City in 2001, there were three cell phones among the group, and Ayers and Mirelli relied on paper maps for navigation. Since then, the pair has led the BBIC-NYC trip seven times over the past 13 years, and the excursion has continually evolved for both the students and the alumni that invest in the students’ futures through the New York trip.
Today, smartphones in hand for all and Twitter updates flying from the BBIC group to share news of the trip with the Fulton campus and other followers, the 2014 trip included visits to major brokerage houses, stock exchanges, news networks and more interaction between students and alumni.
“For me, New York encompassed everything I’m learning at Westminster,” says Abby Ryan, ’15, who participated in this year’s trip. “We had the opportunity to apply our education and engage with alumni in a unique way.”
“The experience was already incredible with all the places we visited, but meeting alumni was one of my favorite parts,” BBIC member Lauren Dolniak, ’14, says. “It’s always fun to learn what people do with their Westminster education.”
A hands-on learning experience designed for students, the BBIC New York trip has proven to be impactful for alumni as well. “The BBIC trip is confirmation that the Westminster educational experience remains truly unique and students stand out among their peers,” says Greg Richard, ’88.
Richard and Frank Turner, ’84, have hosted the past two BBIC alumni events at the New York Athletic Club. Turner says hosting various events for BBIC are a fun way to become engaged again with Westminster. These events also provide a great atmosphere for alums to see old friends and connect with current students.
When Ayers was a recent Westminster graduate, he found advice and mentoring from a number of alumni. Now, through the BBIC, he strives to give back in the same way. Ayers believes getting outside the classroom is vital to the Westminster experience. “I want our students to be able to get out and see/experience organizations, places and people firsthand,” says Ayers. “And I want others to see our students and know what we’re doing at Westminster.”
This year’s trip included support from Greg Brennan,’86, who lives and works on Wall Street. Brennan hosted BBIC at the Museum of American Finance, gave a walking tour of the Financial District, and hosted lunch at the historic Fraunces Tavern. Brennan supports BBIC, not only has a way to stay involved with Westminster, but as a way for students to explore the financial industry.
The BBIC trip to New York would not be possible without the tedious planning done by Ayers and Mirelli, along with financial support from Richard, Turner, Brennan, and other alumni. Thank you to all who supported this opportunity for Westminster students!
Supporters of the 2014 BBIC New York trip
Brock Ayers, ’82
Haden Davis, ’05
William Grogan, ’03
Jonathan Gatz, ’04
Derek Duncan, ’07
Bradley Kiesling, ’01
Frank Miller, ’02
Alex Tracy, ’13
Steven Ford, ’01
Eric Milius, ’03
Thaddeus Stubbs, ’99
Gregory Brennan, ’86
Logan Stanley, ’02
Donald Lofe, ’79
Christopher Vinyard, ’02
Trentis Miller, ’04
Amanda Owns, ’03
Frank Turner, ’84
Greg Richard, ’88
Dr. Ed Mirelli
David Mee, ’83
Steven Lee, ’08