Alumni Q&A: Caroline Slavin ’13, Cause Marketing Manager at Virgin Mobile

Brashear, Missouri
Current location:
Lawrence, Kansas
English Literature
Campus involvement at Westminster
Remley Women’s Center, College Democrats, Westminster Independents
What is your current position?
As Cause Marketing Manager at Virgin Mobile USA, I work to find ways for Virgin Mobile to give back, then share that story! Often that means working with awesome non-profits, like our current program with Feeding America.
Shameless plug: Tag your next meal on Instagram or Twitter with #DonateMyPlate, Virgin Mobile will donate a meal to Feeding America! Make sure to tag @VirginMobileUSA so we can see your pics! [Learn more about Caroline’s work with Feeding America here.]
Our marketing team is small (but mighty) for such a big company, so I also take on a number of other tasks on the team like copywriting and media management.
How did your Westminster education help you in your life and career?
A lot of people view college as a job training program, and that is simply not true. Educations like the one I received at Westminster are about so much more than your next job. Sure, I learned many practical skills, but I don’t think that’s what’s most important. Westminster made me a better person, full stop. I had discussions and disagreements with incredibly intelligent people. I changed my mind and made mistakes. I became friends with people who continue to inspire and challenge me.
I would not be the person I am today without Westminster. It had an essential role in encouraging me to be a continuously curious, ever-evolving person.
Who was your favorite Westminster faculty member?
This is an impossible question and would have to include all of the English department. Outside of my major, though, I loved every class with Tobias Gibson and Dr. John.
Favorite spot on campus?
The old Remley house will always hold a special place in my heart.
Which of your achievements are you most proud of?
Last year, the company I was working for closed its doors. I loved my job, so having to find a new position was, well, sad. When looking for my next role, I wanted to find something that I still really loved and made me excited to go to work every day.
I’m extremely proud to have built a portfolio and made the connections necessary to have found my current job. I love my new role and it has allowed me to grow my career in ways that I wouldn’t have at my old position. It was a difficult transition, but it has ultimately made me happy and propelled my career forward.
What are your goals for the future?
What a big question! As someone in her mid-twenties, I like to keep my future pretty open. So, outside of my financial goals, most of my long-term goals are pretty broad. However, I do have some detailed short-term goals!
I want to learn how to sew on my sewing machine. (All I can do now is sew a straight stitch and create very intricate knots in all of my thread.) I’m working to do more weaving, which is a new hobby that I love! Of course, I’m always trying to write and read more. Lawrence has a beautiful public library and I’ve been making an active effort to take advantage of it!
What’s the last book you read?
Who Thought This Was a Good Idea by Alyssa Mastromonaco! It’s an easy read that’s funny and inspiring, especially for any women who have an interested in politics.
Favorite movie or TV show?
I’m going to stick to Friends, lest this become a legitimate thesis.
Favorite app?
Lately, I’ve been loving OmniFocus and Paprika! Both help me organize my life.
Favorite way to spend a Sunday?
The perfect balance of quiet time, Indian food, good company, and board games.