Alumni Career Connections Event Helps Students

Feature photo above: Spencer Smith ’15, Nathaniel Moulton ’12, Allison Moulton ’17. Seated, back: Amanda Signaigo-Owens ’03. Standing: Frank Hunter ’77, Norman Smith ’77.
Last month the Alumni Council hosted Making Career Connections, an event that gave current students a chance to connect with Westminster alumni for networking and career advice.
“This event gives the alums a chance to give back in experience, wisdom and a chance for students to ask those questions they would not be able to do with a prospective employer,” says Frank Hunter ’77, one of the Alumni Council members that helped with the event. “Students got an opportunity to have candid conversations, explore those questions that they have, and just get real life information.”
What Students Had to Say
“I have been working with Alumni Council on this event since August, and the students that did attend got a lot of good information out of it. I personally sat in with two teachers which really helped me because I could ask them all the questions I couldn’t ask a professor. On the council, I learned a lot about how to prepare the event and we look forward to hosting another Making Career Connections sometime in the future.” — Lindsey Dennis ’15 (right)
“The event was a perfect representation of how our alumni are committed and willing to give back to the college. The session was brief but meaningful and I appreciate all the alumni who came back and gave their valuable time in order to give me insight and pointers on the professional world outside of Westminster. I already knew all but one alumni in the session but it was good to see each of them thriving in their own fields, particularly due to the rigorous course work of Westminster that prepared them for graduate level courses.” — Spencer Smith ’15 (far left, feature photo above)
Did you miss this event? Frank Hunter gives this advice to any students looking for networking opportunities: Reach out to alums, be active on LinkedIn, and be involved in the “extras.” Employers want to know what you do and did that goes above and beyond.
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