Alumna Publishes Article in Harvard Business Review

Morgan Galbraith says her Westminster College education helped her achieve success in
strategic communications at Weber Shandwick in St. Louis, MO.
Morgan Galbraith ’13 ΚΚΓ is receiving international attention for publishing an article in the Harvard Business Review on Oct. 5. Entitled “Don’t Just Tell Employees Organizational Changes Are Coming — Explain Why,” the article cuts to the chase on change management, Galbraith’s area of expertise at the global communications firm Weber Shandwick in St. Louis, MO. “I spend most of my time supporting organizations that are undergoing large-scale change initiatives, from mergers and acquisitions to internal restructuring and culture transformations,” the St. Louis native explains. Galbraith recently elaborated on her zeal for strategic communications and how Westminster helped her find the power in her purpose.
What do you enjoy most about your current position? What I love about my job is that every day there is a new challenge, and I’m continually pushed to learn and expand my knowledge of employee engagement and change management. Most of my day-to-day work involves some form of writing and strategic planning — it just varies based on the client or initiative I’m supporting at that time.
How did you become interested in your profession? I was somewhat lucky to stumble across my passion for employee engagement and change management. While I knew I wanted to be in communications, I didn’t realize this would be a passion of mine until I was hired into the employee engagement practice at my first job. I’m very lucky to have found something I love doing so early on in my career.
What was your major at Westminster? Business Administration and Business Communications.
What leadership positions did you hold at Westminster? I was Vice President of Recruitment for Panhellenic Association, Public Relations Chair for Kappa Kappa Gamma, Education Chair for Kappa Kappa Gamma, President of Student Foundation, a Student Ambassador, an Honors Commission Member, a Blue Blazers Member, and Student Government Senator.
What organizations outside of work are you involved in? The Red Shoe Society, which is the Ronald McDonald House young professionals group.
How did your Westminster education help you find your purpose? In addition to providing a great education, I really enjoyed becoming involved on campus. I was able to serve in several leadership positions, which I don’t think would have been possible at a larger university. The knowledge and experience I gained from those roles have served me well in my current job and have given me the confidence to never back down from a challenge.
What is your favorite Westminster memory? It’s a tie between walking through The Columns freshman year and becoming a member of Kappa Kappa Gamma.
Which of your achievements are you most proud of? Being published in the Harvard Business Review is definitely something I’m proud of! I love sharing what I’ve learned with others.
Would you recommend Westminster to prospective college students? Of course! For starters, you get a great education, and the small classroom sizes and one-on-one encouragement from professors make you feel like more than just a number. The friendships and support system I have from Kappa have also lasted long past college.
Who was your favorite Westminster faculty member? Dr. Maureen Tuthill.
What was your favorite spot on campus? The Columns.
What book would you recommend to others? I would recommend the following for aspiring women leaders and professionals: The Myth of the Nice Girl: Achieving a Career You Love Without Becoming a Person You Hate By Fran Hauser.