2023 Brick Blast Welcomes Local Colleges Back to Downtown Fulton

Westminster College and William Woods University are teaming up with Fulton’s Brick District and the Super Sam Foundation for the 2023 Brick Blast in downtown Fulton.
The event will take place from 3 p.m. to 6 p.m. Sept. 21, 2023, on Court Street in the Brick District.
Exclusively for students, faculty, and staff of Westminster and William Woods, the annual Brick Blast turns Court Street between Sixth and Seventh streets into a pedestrian-only area, showcasing downtown and other area businesses.
The event is free to all associated with the local colleges.
The 2023 Brick Blast will include freebies, food from downtown restaurants, raffles, and the opportunity to shop.
Last year’s event brought more than 300 individuals to downtown Fulton ― an event record.
Brick Blast coordinator Kristina Bright, Executive Director of Enrollment Marketing at Westminster College, expects this year’s Brick Blast to be even more successful.
“The word is definitely out in the community that this event is popular with everyone from Westminster and William Woods, so this year, we have even more businesses participating than last year,” Bright said. “The Brick District businesses, along with other local Fulton businesses, are really looking forward to welcoming everyone from our college communities to downtown Fulton on Thursday for a relaxing afternoon of fun, food, prizes.”
For more information on the 2023 Brick Blast, please contact Bright at [email protected] or 573-220-3435.