Update: Two $100,000 Matching Gifts Pledged for 14 Days of Giving

In response to the announcement of this year’s 14 Days of Giving challenge, a Westminster alum who wishes to remain nameless has offered to match the first $100,000 in gifts toward the two-week long fundraising drive. This year’s 14 Days of Giving goal is to raise $1 million for the Westminster Fund by May 7.
In honor of his class celebrating their 35th anniversary on campus during Alumni Weekend, Steve Bowen ’82 (Beta Theta Pi) also pledged up to $100,000 to match gifts made during the drive.
Bowen’s $100,000 challenge will match any gift through the end of the 14 Days of Giving on May 7, bringing the College’s match challenge to a total of $200,000.
14 Days of Giving supports the Westminster Fund, which provides for the general scholarship fund, academic initiatives, leadership programs, and student activities, among others. This year’s goal is to raise $1 million by May 7.
“Every day I am reminded of the generosity of our alumni and their love for our special College,” says Kelly Dopman, Vice President for Institutional Advancement. “This gift and the many others coming in this week don’t surprise me so much as validate what I already know to be true – one of Westminster College’s greatest assets is its alumni community.”
Dopman recently addressed alumni in a video message, detailing the incredible impact that alumni support has on small, liberal arts colleges like Westminster.
Jim Bennett ’92 (Beta Theta Pi), who celebrated his 25th reunion on campus this past weekend, also shared a video message with fellow alumni explaining why he is giving back to the College he loves during this drive.
Learn more about 14 Days of Giving here.