Public Relations Executive Joshua Harlow to Receive Alumni Achievement Award 

Joshua Harlow, ‘06 from Oklahoma City, OK, and a member of Kappa Alpha Fraternity, will receive the Westminster College Young Alumni Achievement Award on Saturday, April 13, during the College’s Alumni Weekend.  

Harlow is a Senior Vice President of Jones Public Relations (2009-Present), and in this role, he provides strategic management and counsel for integrated public relations and public affairs campaigns. In this position, he serves as the senior executive managing all 70+ agency accounts.  

Harlow oversees clients ranging from the largest intellectual disability non-profit in the world to working alongside advocacy organizations, promoting free market, free enterprise and limited government across the country. 

He has been instrumental in guiding projects for the nation’s largest wireless company, energy exploration and production companies across multiple states, fighting for adequate infrastructure funding in the Midwest and working on advocacy teams breaking barriers to achieve school choice in neighborhoods across Oklahoma and beyond.  

He also serves as the Senior Communications Advisor and manages the Communications Department for the National Down Syndrome Society (NDSS).  He was inspired to work on behalf of NDSS by his younger cousin, Chris, who has Down syndrome and fellow Westminster alum Sara Hart Weir ’04, who recruited him to working with NDSS to help her build a grassroots and advocacy arm as a part of the organization.  

“Josh embodies our Westminster College philosophy of life-long learning, professional accomplishments and a long history of deep philanthropic support to Westminster College and its students.” Sara Hart Weir, ’04, President and CEO of NDSS said. “He continues to carry Westminster in his heart by leading a life of purpose, passion and success.” 

Previously, he was a Senior Associate with Axiom Strategies Republican Consulting (2007-2009), Press and Legislative Assistant for Kansas Speaker of the House Melvin Neufeld (2006-2007), Staff Assistant to the Deputy Secretary of Labor (2005) and in 2004 Harlow interned in the White House.  

Harlow and his wife, Jenna ‘06, have been loyal donors since graduation and members of the President’s Club. They have been active in Alumni Council and have underwritten the expense of student internships in Washington, D.C., and the public policy arena. They were also generous contributors to the John Langton Professorship of Legal Studies and Political Science.  

This past fiscal year the couple committed to a pledge of $25,000 to support the Westminster Fund.  

The Young Alumni Achievement Award is presented annually to alumni who demonstrate the Westminster mission through outstanding achievement early in their chosen career and/or dedicated leadership and service to their community and who have graduated within the past 15 years.

Harlow will receive his award at a special Alumni Honors Convocation Ceremony to be held at 10:30 a.m. on Saturday, April 13, in the Church of St. Mary the Virgin, Aldermanbury. The award is approved by both the Alumni Council and the Board of Trustees. Only two alumni can receive the award annually.




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